Impact of Organ Donation

    "We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in our hands to make a difference."


Thousands of people are in extreme need of critical organs across the world. Eight lives can be saved from chronic illness by donating organs by one including the heart, kidney, pancreas, lungs, liver, intestines, hands, face, tissues, bone marrow, and stem cells. 

A simple question arises " what is an organ donation ? " and the answer can get as simple as the question itself.

Organ donation is retrieving a donor's organ like heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, and pancreas after the donor is deceased and then transplanting into another who is in need of an organ. 

Or we can say is organ donation is the practice of retrieving an organ from a living or deceased person, who is known as a donor, and then transplanting it into a recipient. Let us tell you that the recipient will be a  who is suffering from organ failure and who will not be able to survive unless he or she receives an organ replacement. Therefore, the process of recovering organs is known as Retrieval.

By donating an organ, we give a chance to people to live the life that we have left and moved on.

Beyond memories we have etched onto the people, we leave behind a part of us to help a life and give ourselves a chance to be physically present in the world.

A deed which lets you save a life, afterlife - Organ Donation
